how to write a paragraph


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Free Presentations in PowerPoint format

The Five Sentence Paragraph

How to Write a Paragraph

Writing Paragraphs

Writing Paragraphs

Four Square Writing (4 sentence-8 sentence paragraphs)

Descriptive Paragraphs – Fact and Fiction

The Bing, the Bang, and the Bongo – how to write a 5 paragraph essay (create)

Basic Paragraph Development

See Also: Sentence Structure, Writing Index,
Language Arts Index

For Kids

Paragraph Games

Paragraph Builder

How to write a paragraph

For Teachers

Fact Sheets

Perfecting my pal Poe’s paragraph

Writing Paragraphs – the 5 sentence paragraph

Writing paragraphs

Paragraphs for younger children

Be the Sentence – An interactive lesson idea

Writing Tips – Sentences, Paragraphs, Essays

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How to Teach Number Writing

How to Teach Number Writing

Children who are just learning to write numerals are also still in the process of training their fine motor skills. Provide plenty of toys and coordination activities that work finger muscles to help young children learning to write. Get the right paper and show children how each numeral is specifically drawn. Then make up games to enhance your lessons.

  1. Step 1

    Find writing paper that has character spacing lines. The pages have a series of writing spaces with two solid lines divided by a broken line.

  2. Step 2

    Write examples of the numbers your teaching on the top line of a piece of paper for the child to reference. Then draw each number as dotted outlines for practice. Include several practice outlines of each numeral. Concentrate on three or four consecutive numerals at a time. Continue reading



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