How to Study to Be a Fluent English Speaker

# 1

Use flashcards. Teach yourself new vocabulary words using flashcards. You can make your own cards. Write the English vocabulary word on the front of the cards. On the back of the card, add the definition of the word and its meaning in your native language. As you drill yourself, place the words that you know in one pile and the words you do not know in second group. Practice daily. When you know all the words, create additional cards.
# 2

Study with English workbooks. Lessons in English workbooks will help you practice English grammar and conversation. Read the assignments out loud, and answer the questions verbally as you write. This technique will help you learn using auditory, visual and kinesthetic skills, because you are reading, speaking and writing.
# 3

Hire a native English tutor. You can hire an online tutor who will teach you using a webcam and audio. Practice conversation skills with the tutor at least once a week. Online English tutors are available through companies like WiziQ and Verbal Planet.
# 4

Record your voice. Record yourself speaking in English. Record words, phrases and sentences. Listen to the recordings of your voice and repeat after your recording. Practice repeating after your recording while you are driving, exercising or sitting in waiting rooms.
# 5

Translate objects into English. Name the English words for every object that you see in your bedroom. If you do not know the English word, write the word in your native language and look it up in a dictionary. Use a dictionary that translates your native language into English. Learn the new words with flash cards and try to name the objects again. Use this technique to learn English nouns for objects in your home, workplace and community.
# 6

Use English in your daily life. Speak English at every opportunity. Order your meals in English at restaurants. Greet people in English, and introduce yourself. Converse with native English speakers that you meet, using the new words and terms that you’ve learned

Read more: How to Study to Be a Fluent English Speaker |


Renee Williams